Why Everybody Must Travel Solo At least Once In Their Lives

“Traveling alone is the single best gift you can give yourself.”
So true! Traveling solo is something which every person should do at least once in their lives. We all need a change from our routine lives. Not to mention, from time to time, it might be worth giving yourself a little present. I have traveled with people and I have also traveled alone. I can totally say that both ARE different.
Traveling in itself is exhilarating; the mindless wanderings, the unseen passages, and the unforgettable sightings. Travel tales are always among the best ones. Going around with your loved ones is amazing but going solo? It’s a different experience altogether!
When you decide to walk the path by yourself, life takes your hand and guides you through it. And, it gives you all sorts of lessons. Today, let me share some of mine, gathered as a result of traveling alone!
The best time is NOW

Many philosophers and authors tell us about the importance of NOW. But I believe, the best philosophical lessons come from within. And how do you get that? By spending time with yourself. The best thing solo travel can teach you is to live in the present. Period.
Know your limits

Of course, that is something that we are all taught. But until you go out there and see for yourself, how will you learn? Sometimes we need to take a fall to understand our limits. But I say, that fall is what you needed to learn more about yourself.
Give importance to your mental health

Spending time with yourself is the best thing you can do to improve your mental health. Going to new places helps; a change of pace, a change of thinking and ultimately, a change of mindset.
Explore new places

The world is a big place. Whether you’re from a little countryside village or a big metropolitan area, going to new places would give you a new perspective. Going alone exposes you more to new places, as you only have yourself to rely on.
Meet new people

We often get bored of seeing the same faces every day, don’t we? While traveling solo, you tend to meet so many new people. Whether you are staying at a hostel or strolling on a beach, the probability of you meeting new people increases once you get out of your comfort zone.
Learn new skills

Meeting new people makes you more aware of different kinds of skills you could acquire. See someone paint, why don’t you give it a try? A cool girl you just met actually makes money by doing sand art. Or remember that guy who spoke five languages? Maybe you can take up one too! Such things improve your personality, make you more interesting and employable as well!
Learn about other cultures

Yes, you are not alone, and the traditions you see aren’t the only ones. There are so many ethnicities, so many customs and practices in the world! You’ll be amazed to know the kind of things which exist.
Gain more experiences

Traveling solo isn’t really that easy. You’ll be scared sometimes and maybe bored. You’ll miss the company of your close ones, but that is exactly when you open up that space to let other things in.
Have control over your decisions

When you travel alone, it is just YOU. All the decisions you make are yours, and you face the consequences, good or bad. You learn to get a little more independent, and that stays with you, even after your trip is over.
Find peace in solitude

You’ll enjoy the solitude, the calm and quiet, away from the everyday hustle and bustle. Traveling alone would make you enjoy your company more.
Be self-dependent

Yes, that is another thing that solo traveling teaches you. Self-dependency gives you a feeling of euphoria which nothing else can!
And disciplined

Your life is yours, and you are accountable for it. If you’re not disciplined, you might miss out on a lot of things, and you learn that from experiences!
Don’t be afraid to be yourself

Probably, the most important lesson of all. Learn things, gain knowledge, know more about others, be amazed, but at the end of the day, don’t forget who you are!
“The secret of happiness is to see all the marvels of the world, and never to forget the drops of oil on the spoon.” — Paulo Coelho
The oil on the spoon is what we are within, what is entrusted to us and what is of utmost importance to us. Once we remember that, we are free to see all the marvels of the world!
So, what are you waiting for? Happy traveling, guys!
(You can reach out to me at ankitagoyal102@gmail.com)