12 Things about Gypsies that Show They are Underrated
We all say how we would like to leave everything and just go live like gypsies. Or maybe you remember the time you bought those comfy harem pants. They are also called gypsy pants by the way.
Mostly the word ‘Gypsy’ or ‘Romani’ is used as a derogatory term. Why? Because they were all seen as people from lower class who just move around from place to place without having a purpose. How true is that? Well, you’ll know by the end of this article. But again, does it have to be a bad thing if you are a vagabond and don’t have a purpose?
We all have different views, but believe me, these people have been shamed long enough in the world. And they are underrated for sure. So today, we bring you some things about them which might change the way you think.
Read on to know all you should!

You may know them by one of their many names such as Romani, Sinti, Beyash, Kalé depending on where in the world are you. Yes, they are everywhere!

Yes, there are over 11 million gypsies worldwide and over 1 million in America alone. These are the ones which we know about. What about those in stealth?

Americans which are said to have gypsy origins include Elvis Presley & Bill Clinton. Because the gypsies are so elusive, they are hard to spot and are often called ‘The hidden Americans.’

Yes, gypsies are often seen in Shakespeare’s writings such as in Othello, As You Like It, The Tempest, etc. It is also said Cleopatra is said to be modeled on a gypsy. They are mostly portrayed as dark-skinned, fiery, intense and unfaithful.

Fortune telling is often said to be from the traditions of the gypsy people. It not only includes palm & tarot reading but also the future telling with the help of crystals. They are often associated with occultism and the gypsy curses.

They originated from India. There are misconceptions about them that they came from Egypt or Russia. But recently, researchers from India, US & Estonia came together and stated that these people’s genetics matched with those of Indians.

Romanis or gypsies have mostly been considered ‘racially inferior.’ But did you know they are actually said to have descended from untouchables or the Dalit community in India?

In the World War II, they were targeted by the Nazi regime. Thousands of them were killed during that time. In fact, there were also concentration camps dedicated just to the Roma people. It looks like Jews and homosexuals weren’t the only ones who were tortured by the Nazis.

Gypsy clothing has taken a leap in the fashion industry. Why? Simply because it is so different from the mainstream fashion clothing. The gypsy girls were said to be sexy and delightful precisely because they don’t follow fashion. The harem pants we are all so fond of, because of its comfort, are also called gypsy pants.

Now that is the kind of life we all want, don’t we? To be travelers, without any earthly commitments. Just to be free. Well, that is the life they live!

The gypsies were often referred to as the Goddess-worshipers. That Goddess was none other than the Indian Goddess Kali.

Gypsies can often be seen in the popular culture. Movies like Snatch, Children of Men, Sherlock Homes have had them in some part or the other. Video games, television, comic books also feature them from time to time.
You can reach out to me at ankitagoyal102@gmail.com.