10+ Unexpected Things You Smoke With Cigarette Or Hookah
It’s not just nicotine!

A lot of us have smoked cigarettes or hookahs at some point in our lives. And frankly, we are all tired of listening to how dangerous it is. But there are some facts to it.
We do consume a lot of other things while we smoke a cigarette? Or a shisha for that matter. We end up with not only nicotine but also arsenic (used in rat poison), butane (used in fuel), acetone (used in nail polish remover), etc. When you smoke shisha, again you end up consuming a lot more than just smoke. There is also nicotine present in many of the artificial flavors.
Today, for a reality check, we bring to you information about the things you consumer while smoking cigarettes and shisha.
Take a look!
Chemicals & ingredients — ammonia, cadmium, acetone etc
Cigarettes have a lot of components in them. Some of those are cadmium, acetone, acetaldehyde, etc. Manufacturers may also add ammonia compounds which change how easily nicotine can be absorbed in the body. While smoking, these chemicals are absorbed via your mouth.
More Toxins — tar, carbon monoxide etc
Tar is a toxic residue of tobacco from cigarette smoking. It damages the mouth and lungs. Also, smoking cigarettes increases the carbon monoxide (CO) content in one’s blood. When the level of CO increases in the blood, the ability of carrying oxygen is decreased.
Tobacco — Nicotine & Cadmium
Tobacco naturally contains high levels of nicotine which can make you an addict. While processing, it absorbs more metals like lead and cadmium which are harmful to the body when inhaled while smoking.
Hookah or shisha

Hookah/Shisha has been an alternative to smoking cigarettes and is especially famous among the youngsters. It is considered to be less harmful, but we fail to consider that hookah sessions last longer and hence pose a greater damage to one’s body. Hookah smokers can be at the risk of cancer (oral, lung, stomach, esophagus), reduced lung function and decreased fertility.
The charcoal & aluminium foil
The charcoal used to heat the tobacco in the hookah for smoking increases the health risks. As it results in higher levels of carbon monoxide, metals, and other cancer-causing chemicals.
Flavour & tobacco
Most hookahs contain nicotine, and the percentage does not change whether you are smoking in a 20 g bowl or a 100 g bowl. Hookah tobacco and smoke contain many toxic agents known to cause lung, bladder and oral cancers. Also, they can cause clogged arteries and heart diseases.
Water induced smoking
Many people believe that water induced smoking is actually healthier than smoking cigarettes but that is not the case. Even after the smoke has passed through water, it contains high levels of toxin agents.
Mouthpiece & hose
Many places don’t give you Hookah filters (drip cap), so you end up using the same mouthpiece. It is not healthy for you as it can spread bacteria. Many of such dangerous bacteria can cause illnesses like oral herpes and tuberculosis. Also, the pipe needs to be replaced every 3–5 months.
Smoker’s lungs vs healthy lungs
This is an example of how a smoker’s lungs look like. It is far worse off than the lungs of a non-smoker.
The story was originally published on wittyfeed.me on 21 December, 2017. You can reach out to me at ankitagoyal102@gmail.com for feedback or comments.